Snoring and sleep apnoea

We understand the harmful impact of snoring and sleep apnoea on your sleep and your health. 


Snoring is the first sign of underlying obstructive sleep apnoea. Untreated sleep apnoea can contribute to high blood pressure, heart disease, type II diabetes and stroke.  It often leads to disrupted sleep, low energy levels and sleepiness during the daytime.  Also, snoring can be a strain on your partner’s sleep.

Most people with sleep apnoea don’t know they have it.

Am I at risk?

Do you snore?

Do you often wake up groggy or unrefreshed in the morning?

Do you often feel tired, fatigued or sleepy during the day?

Have you been told that you pause in breathing or gasp for air during sleep?

Do you have high blood pressure?


Oral appliances are considered the first choice for treating snoring and an alternative to CPAP therapy for obstructive sleep apnoea.


Oral appliance holds the lower jaw (and tongue) from falling back during sleep or advance the lower jaw forward to open the airway at the back of the throat. Oral appliances are designed and custom-made for the individual’s comfort and taking into consideration the health of the teeth and teeth grinding habits. These are adjusted accordingly until snoring, sleep quality and daytime sleepiness are improved.

Oral appliance works extremely well in the management of snoring and mild – moderate obstructive sleep apnoea. It can be used in combination with CPAP in severe obstructive sleep apnoea to make CPAP more tolerable.